The piano player at our church has journeyed a very difficult road this year. Without much warning, his health began to decline. He was a healthy man with his own business—he taught piano lessons—as well as playing for our worship services.
He is truly gifted at the piano. In February of this year, he got sick. He thought it was a virus or something that would pass. Eventually he couldn’t walk and he found himself trying to navigate life from a wheelchair. He continued to play for our church and teach his lessons until his hands no longer cooperated with his brain. He couldn’t play the piano; therefore, he couldn’t work and it wasn’t much longer after this that he no longer was in touch with reality. I felt helpless to know what to do for him. The prayers never stopped. I prayed for a miracle and I know church members prayed for a miracle as well. The doctors said he wouldn’t get better. One of his friends, who tunes our piano at church, said he couldn’t get in touch with him. I had to explain why he was not returning phone calls. I told him I felt helpless and we wanted to help. He offered to do a benefit concert for the family and I knew that would be the most helpful to this family at this time. So we did a benefit concert. The prayers for a miracle continued. On July 13, I told the son, “Don’t ever give up hope. I’m still praying for a miracle for your dad. A lot of people are praying for a miracle.” On July 20, I got a call from our piano player. Those words don’t seem that impressive; however, the fact that he knew me, found my number, and called me was impressive enough.
But then, when we talked, it was him—he was back. Yes, this was the miracle we had been praying for. It was a miracle in the making because we didn’t stop praying. A friend and I went to visit him that Friday. He could lift himself into her car. We took him to the bank so he could check on things. He discussed important things with us. He made total sense and we sat in awe of the miracle in our midst. I didn’t think God is finished with this miracle . . . and He wasn’t. I got a video from his son this past Wednesday morning. It was the sweetest sound . . . it was the sound of amazing grace . . . it was the sound of a miracle in our midst . . . it was our piano player playing beautifully on his keyboard! Romans 5:3-5 reads, “But we also boast in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not disappoint us, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit that has been given to us.”
I’m still praying that his strength and balance return to his legs. Even so, his healing thus far (because I don’t think his healing is complete yet) is a miracle. Whether that miracle came through doctors, or medicine, or a word from God, this is a miracle in our midst. Hope and prayers are beautiful things. Thank you, Jesus.
But then, when we talked, it was him—he was back. Yes, this was the miracle we had been praying for. It was a miracle in the making because we didn’t stop praying. A friend and I went to visit him that Friday. He could lift himself into her car. We took him to the bank so he could check on things. He discussed important things with us. He made total sense and we sat in awe of the miracle in our midst. I didn’t think God is finished with this miracle . . . and He wasn’t. I got a video from his son this past Wednesday morning. It was the sweetest sound . . . it was the sound of amazing grace . . . it was the sound of a miracle in our midst . . . it was our piano player playing beautifully on his keyboard! Romans 5:3-5 reads, “But we also boast in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not disappoint us, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit that has been given to us.”
I’m still praying that his strength and balance return to his legs. Even so, his healing thus far (because I don’t think his healing is complete yet) is a miracle. Whether that miracle came through doctors, or medicine, or a word from God, this is a miracle in our midst. Hope and prayers are beautiful things. Thank you, Jesus.
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