AVN 91.62 decreased by means of ▼ -0.41 (-0.forty five%)
BOP 9.30 diminished by ▼ -0.01 (-0.eleven%)
CHCC 146.38 increased by means of ▲ 0.89 (0.61%)
DCL 10.20 improved through ▲ 0.11 (1.09%)
DGKC 114.forty one extended via ▲ 0.85 (0.seventy five%)
EFERT sixty two.80 decreased by means of ▼ -0.14 (-0.22%)
EPCL forty eight.fifty one lowered by means of ▼ -0.19 (-0.39%)
FCCL 21.70 elevated by using ▲ 0.04 (0.18%)
FFL 16.89 improved by means of ▲ 0.07 (0.42%)
HASCOL 14.56 No alternate ▼ 0.00 (0%)
HBL 134.50 decreased through ▼ -0.forty five (-0.33%)
HUBC 78.25 expanded by means of ▲ 0.32 (0.41%)
HUMNL 5.55 reduced by means of ▼ -0.05 (-0.89%)
JSCL 30.00 increased by ▲ 0.14 (0.forty seven%)
KAPCO 27.12 elevated by ▲ 0.sixty two (2.34%)
KEL 3.83 No exchange ▼ 0.00 (0%)
LOTCHEM 15.fifty five diminished via ▼ -0.05 (-0.32%)
MLCF forty three.21 increased by means of ▲ 0.06 (0.14%)
OGDC a hundred and five.30 increased by using ▲ 0.02 (0.02%)
PAEL 38.55 lowered via ▼ -0.07 (-0.18%)
PIBTL 12.seventy eight reduced through ▼ -0.07 (-0.fifty four%)
PIOC 101.11 multiplied by using ▲ 0.61 (0.sixty one%)
vigor 9.70 lowered via ▼ -0.03 (-0.31%)
PPL ninety one.10 improved with the aid of ▲ 0.09 (0.1%)
PSO 217.02 elevated through ▲ 0.16 (0.07%)
SNGP 43.60 reduced by means of ▼ -0.20 (-0.46%)
STPL 20.seventy six expanded by using ▲ 0.56 (2.seventy seven%)
TRG seventy seven.87 reduced through ▼ -0.07 (-0.09%)
cohesion 28.26 accelerated by way of ▲ 0.06 (0.21%)
WTL 1.15 No trade ▼ 0.00 (0%)
BR100 4,562 accelerated through ▲ 35.48 (0.seventy eight%)
BR30 22,892 elevated by ▲ 268.four (1.19%)
KSE100 43,417 accelerated by ▲ 329.07 (0.76%)
KSE30 18,098 increased with the aid of ▲ 158.54 (0.88%)
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