Friday, March 18, 2022

Pakistan: indignant supporters of ruling birthday celebration barge into Sindh condo in Islamabad

Twitter © offered via Khaleej instances Twitter

angry supporters of the ruling Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) on Friday forcibly entered the Sindh condo in Islamabad after staging a protest outdoor for hours towards dissident lawmakers who're camping within the constructing.

tv footages showed dozens of PTI employees scaling the walls of Sindh house with some of them later breaking down the doorways to enter the building.

The activists arrived at the Sindh residence and chanted slogans in opposition t the dissident lawmakers, accusing them of "promoting their consciences".

Police ordered the protestors to vacate the leading gate of the constructing and moved to the other side, youngsters, they refused to vacate the main gate.

the employees have been led via PTI lawmakers Faheem Khan and Ataullah from Karachi, based on Pakistani media reviews.

PPP chief Sharjeel Memon termed the storming a 'failure' of the Islamabad police and the interior ministry, saying "we agree with the attack on Sindh residence an assault on the Sindh province."

the manner PTI federal ministers had been questioning why policemen from Sindh were deployed on the building had acquired their reply now, he changed into quoted as asserting via crack of dawn information.

"once they had been taking such movements, Islamabad police had been silent. If Sindh police had been now not there nowadays, PPP MNAs who were staying inside with their families can be in hazard. Imran Khan has been defeated. Now he wants a conflict."

A heavy contingent of the Islamabad police later reached the scene and dispersed the protesters. The police detained eight employees, together with two PTI lawmakers, from the Sindh condominium.

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