Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Imran Khan will live as prime minister?

Shahzad Khan, the world-renowned world's famous Palmist Admiral, puzzled with the importance of Imran Khan's ministry, said that the person who is "Raj Yug" in the horoscope of knowledge of astrology gives him the king and the power At this time, Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) chief Imran Khan is also in the section of "Raj Yog" and my predecessor is that Imran Khan will remain Prime Minister for the next ten years. He said that in the context of Raj Yug before Shahbaz Sharif, General (R) Pervez Musharraf, Afghan President Hamid Karzai, US Presidency Bush, Barack Obama, Indian Prime Minister in celebrities Nimhana Singh, including Bangladesh's Prime Minister, Hasina Wajid, and it proved true. Adhiket M. Shahzad Khan said on July 11, 2017 that Nawaz Sharif will be disconnected while on April 26, 2018, when everyone was suspicious about the timing of election 2018. Advocate M. Shahzad Khan pushed While saying that anything would happen, the elections would be their fixed date and timely. The knowledge of the star is in its place, however, the supreme power belongs to God.

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